Saturday, January 10, 2009


I have this over whelming feeling of emptiness I just can not shake today. I feel sick over it. I feel as tho I want to do things to improve my life and I can't. I feel stuck and trapped and it bothers me so much. I feel like things are out of my control and that scares me.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Life is what you make it. If you are unhappy with your life, fix it. I think i finally realized that I am the only one who can make the changes to improve my life and improve my happiness within myself. When you make other people your world and live to please others, you really are not living out your own happiness. To make your life really truly your own life you need to take that step back and look at yourself. It is not an easy thing to do.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Hello 2009...

Hello 2009 I hope your better then 2008! I didn't make any resolutions this year because I know I won't stick with them. There are a few things I would like to do in '09. One thing that I need to do is to start trying to write again. During high school I would write a lot of poetry and then one just stopped. I haven't felt inspired, I need to find my insipration. I also want to try and cut down how much I smoke. I am not going to say quit, because I am not ready to quit.